October 2012 |
Pre-Halloween 2012 |
But anyway, Autumn turned two almost two months ago! And she has been non-stop ever since. Unfortunately, I don't have many great pics or videos to share as my phone is almost always full. I'll get the hang of this one day.
Current favorites:
--Spinning, while saying "I'm spinning around!", obviously.
--Wearing tutus -- sometimes I wonder if she was switched at birth
--Being "nakey". She recently started stripping and running wild around the house. I asked my mom if this is normal for a two-year-old. Her response was, "yeah I think so...and for my severe/profound special education kids." The video below is of Autumn looking like a muppet (haircut time), and being a naked elephant.
--Speaking of dangerous, we have a safety-first Ned Flanders on our hands. Autumn loves talking about things that are dangerous ("don't go in the street, it's dangerous!", "don't climb the tree Big E, it's dangerous!", etc.). She usually exclaims these things right before jumping of the couch, bed, kitchen chair, etc., and/or running headfirst into a wall.
--Singing. She's starting to request that we sing the Jewish songs with her that she learns at pre-school (she goes to the JCC three days a week, our little Jewish girl). Time to catch up.
Rhino in a tutu - Halloween 2012 |
--Being a unicorn. That's what the teachers at her school/daycare have nicknamed her. They said it's because everything she says is with so much enthusiasm, i.e. "I pooped! A big one!", or "Oh! I fell down!". I have to wonder if the nickname comes from the once popular YouTube cartoon about Charlie the Unicorn. YouTube that if you haven't seen it. Then pray for us.
Milestones...in no particular order since I can't remember them all anyway.
Very focused on painting at the Children's Museum |

--She's sleeping in a big girl bed, and loving it. In preparation for getting Baby Brother's room together (maybe he'll have a name soon), we took apart Autumn's crib and bought her a twin bed. She loves it, and over the winter break was sleeping until after 8am almost every morning! She yells for us in the morning ("Mommy!!! I'm all done sleeping!"), and doesn't get out of bed until we come in for her.
--She's able to have (nearly) functional conversations with us. When I pick her up from school she can usually tell me something specific that happened that day. My most recent favorite --
Autumn: "...and Aoife (pronounced 'Eefa') was crying because I took her spoon away...and teacher said 'no'"
Me: "Your teacher said no to you, or to Aoife?"
Autumn: "To me, Autumn...because... I took her spoon away...and Aoife was sad. She was crying"
Me: "That's not very nice, why did you take her spoon away?"
Autumn: "I don't know!" (In Unicorn voice). "Aoife's my friend...she was crying..."
Very functional, as you can see. She also likes to say things like, "remember, last night? When we were walking on the street? And we go to the playground, and it was dark outside?" Um, no. That didn't happen, but we can talk about it like it did.
--Another favorite milestone is actually one of Brian's. About a month ago, Autumn walked in on Brian peeing. She walked up to him, patted him on the back and said, "good job peeing, Daddy! I'm so proud of you!" We're all really proud of him.
In other news...
--I am 33+ weeks pregnant, feeling like 53. This pregnancy has been so different than it was with Autumn. From about 15 weeks on, I have been pretty uncomfortable, and not due to any specific health issues or excessive weight gain either. It's frustrating. I attribute part of it to having a toddler and not having as much time to be active (she no longer tolerates a stroller for even short amounts of time). So I fell out of shape pretty early on. I also can't hide the fact that between Thanksgiving and New Years, not a single day went by where I didn't eat dessert after dinner, and I'm not talking about a single cookie or a few bites of ice cream. It was awesome, but I think I'm paying for that as well. As of my appointment at 32 weeks I had gained 20 pounds, which is totally fine -- but with Autumn I think I only gained 23 total, so it's no wonder I already feel like I did with her at the very end.
--Baby Boy is doing well. He was still breech at my last appointment, but Autumn was too until about 34 weeks too, so that shouldn't be much of an issue. He also measures big, as did she. One day, he'll have a name. That day might be the day he is born, but maybe sooner. We are bad at this part, but that doesn't mean we don't love him already.
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