Well, the day that Autumn doesn't know she has been dreading, has finally come. Our neighbors across the street, Kylee, Travis and their almost 2-year-old June, are moving back to Indiana. Since we leave for Hawaii and California tomorrow, this will be the last afternoon/evening that Autumn and "Junie!" get to engage in their near daily ritual of playing with water, running around half (or fully) naked, fighting over toys, and whacking each other with sticks. We've lived across from Travis and Kylee since we moved in over three years ago, and had always been friendly acquaintances. But over the past few months, since the weather has turned and the girls have developed a love-hate obsession with each other, we've found ourselves spending multiple hours a week with them. We've also found ourselves really sad that they are leaving, and have tried to convince Travis that doing a two year fellowship in infectious disease is for lazy people whose lives are going nowhere. Unfortunately, he doesn't agree.
Autumn will be so confused when we get home. First of all the house will look totally different inside (more on the kitchen remodel to come). But more importantly, when we pull up to the house her cries of "Junie?! Junie?! Junie?!" will not be met by the possibility that June and Kylee are enjoying a summer afternoon in the front yard.
We'll miss you guys!

For some reason they really enjoy sitting in the ivy
And in anything containing water
Sweet Juniper
"Come on, friend!"
On a final note, I
know this is out of character, but I'll end with a fairly sappy quote
from Dr. Seuss -- the guy who truly had everything figured out...
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
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