Uh oh...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Yesterday morning, out of nowhere, Autumn figured out how to pull herself to standing (from sitting down only). She's been wanting to do this for a long time, so we would have thought when the day finally came, it would be one less frustration for all of us to deal with. Well, that would have been the case if only she was actually good at standing up. Not sure if it's the small feet, short legs with long torso, or just that she's still shy of seven months old -- but this baby is definitely not ready for unsupervised standing parties just yet. We've already learned that the hard way, a few times unfortunately. Yesterday I sat her in front of this jungle-y, singing monstrosity that she loves (this video is from just now, and she has been awake for 5 hours so doesn't really love anything at the moment -- but you get the idea).

So, I'd left her sitting in front of the toy while I went to brush my teeth, and within 30 seconds heard a huge crash...and then an even huger scream. I should have known she wouldn't sit for two minutes without practicing the new skill, but man, we can't leave this kid anywhere anymore. Fortunately, she still doesn't really get into a sitting position by herself, so if we leave her laying down she's limited to crawling around -- and still fairly easily contained. Now, about that babyproofing we talked about...

And on a different note, happy mothers day! We spent the day with Brian's family, enjoying the 80 degree weather and food not cooked by us. Autumn has made being a mom such an incredible experience. She doesn't fully get it yet, but I find myself thanking her every day for making her way into my world.


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