Queen for a...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

...morning. Check this out:

Yep, that's Autumn enjoying having our king sized bed all to herself. The other morning I came home from bootcamp (yes, I'm doing this again but I'm too sore to talk about it right now) wondering where Autumn was since she had been up chatting and yelling in her room when I left the house at 5:45am. That turned out to be my fault since I had turned her humidifier up so high that her room may just as well have been a roofless shack in a monsoon. Poor girl was wet, cold and downright pissed off. So, Dad of the Year came to the rescue -- changed her, rocked her, and otherwise attempted to get her back to sleep before bringing her into bed...where she slept until 8am. She was clearly in heaven.

In other brief Autumn news, I think we still have to classify her mobile state as "almost crawling". She can crawl now, and has demonstrated this a few times. However, army crawling seems to make her just as happy these days, and she's so darn fast at it. The other morning Brian and I set her on the rug in the living room, left for a second to fill up our coffee, and almost stepped on her on our way out of the kitchen. If you think army crawling on a rug will get you somewhere quick, you clearly haven't attempted army scooting across a hardwood floor. And no, we still don't own a baby gate, and baby proofing in our house means following her around 24/7. Guess I know what we're doing this weekend.


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