Two month stats

Monday, December 20, 2010

Recouping from those terrible shots!
I warn you, this post will not be interesting, funny or anything of the sort. I just need to include it for our own memory's sake. Autumn's two-month check-up was today since we were in California when she actually hit the two month mark. So, at 10 weeks old, she weighed in at 11 pounds 10 ounces (35th percentile) and was 23 3/4 inches long (70-80th percentile). We had noticed she seemed to be getting extremely long without really filling out her clothes as much as expected. Her weight percentile has dropped a little at each of her last few visits, so we're hoping that starts to level off and creep up eventually. Unfortunately my hunch is that it won't happen until we start supplementing with formula, or even switching completely.

Back to Autumn's appointment. She got three shots today and was diagnosed with eczema (really?). As we speak she is sleeping on my lap, which she has been doing some variation of for most of the day. Not sure if she's bummed about her complexion or in pain from the shots. Poor girl. The pediatrician also said she noticed Autumn was holding her hands together at midline (which I think is something she does most of the time now). Big deal right? I certainly had never noticed or cared what she had been doing with her hands, but supposedly this is quite an advanced "skill" for her age. Alright then. I guess it makes up for the fact that she has not rolled over once since we've been back from California. Not even close. Thanks for the false alarm little one.

Well, that should do for this Monday night update. Back to watching my fantasy football hopes and dreams die a slow, freezing cold death as my kicker becomes an icicle in some outdoor stadium in Minnesota.


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