This morning, same story. Sorry Autumn, but 6:30am just doesn't cut it for a wake up call anymore. We know you can do better than that. But since nothing would calm the wild beast this morning, I finally dragged myself out of bed to see if changing her diaper would do the trick. At this point my hopes for another bit of sleep had already been shattered, so I was happy to let her smile at me, squirm and holler on the changing table for a few minutes...which turned into ten minutes and seemed as if it could go on forever. So onto her belly she went, and bam! Our sweet, angelic and calm baby instantly returned. Here's hoping this trick doesn't wear off as quickly as those shots did!
p.s. Yes, our Christmas tree lights do stop about 3/4 of the way up the tree. Doesn't everyone forget that if you remove one light the whole strand goes out from time to time?
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