Thankful for...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

1. A baby that adores her dad, and a dad who stays up with her every night to feed her a bottle while I catch an extra hour or two to sleep. 

2. Funny winter baby clothes, and the way Autumn reacts to being dressed in them (arms stiff, slightly concerned look on her face). It makes running errands in the cold, windy, snowy or otherwise adverse Colorado weather slightly more amusing.
3. Our 85-year-old (or so) next-door neighbor Hank, who still thinks my name is Ellen, and who never fails to notify us of all the important neighborhood happenings, such as upcoming street sweeping dates, the branch of his that is now hanging about two feet into our yard, or the robin's nest in the tree on our property. He also gives us a bag of giant pecans every year at Christmas. Oh Hank.
4. Autumn's personal shopper (Grandma Deb), babysitter (Grandpa Doug B and Grandma Deb), photographer (Grandpa Doug J), and seamstress (Nana Gerre). Thankful for Autumn's amazing grandparents who spoil her and us! Notice the difference between the photo above and the remaining pictures. Mine don't do her justice.
5. Beer. It's amazing how much I love beer since having Autumn. While I was pregnant, I couldn't wait to have a big glass of wine rather than the very occasional small glass with dinner that's ok'd during pregnancy.  As it turns out, there's nothing I crave more than beer these days. In case you're worried about how bad that sounds, don't be. The most I've had in one sitting is two so far -- but man I'm salivating just looking at this picture right now. And yes, we typically do have this many varieties in the fridge on any given day.

 6. Fantasy Football miracles. I'm Wally's World, in second place. Look at how many points I have, and how many points the sucker in 8th place has. I'm awesome. Oh, and Brian is in first place, but he actually deserves it.
 7. This guy. And his indifferent acceptance of our newest family member. 
8. This glider chair. Wow, it already looks beat up. As Brian says, "it's like sitting on clouds". Whatever that feels like. I'm pretty sure he wishes he had boobs so he can utilize this chair in the middle of the night too.
9. In-laws who believe that no Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a few dozen Jell-O shots. 

10. A healthy baby who seems to be happy about 95% of the time -- In our arms, in her swing, her bouncy chair, the bathtub, wherever. We definitely don't take that for granted. Also, it's so cliche, I know, but I really am thankful for the rest of my family, and friends. This journey wouldn't be complete without you.


angela said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Ellen, I'm so thankful we met.

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