The first weeks of autumn, and Autumn's first weeks, have been quite busy around here! So busy, in fact, that she's almost four weeks old now and I'm just now getting around to updating this. But here goes, better late than never...
Our little pumpkin elf |
The first week home from the hospital was deceptionally easy. My parents were both here, which meant that we had a full-time support staff that included a cook, housecleaner, photographer, personal shopper and diaper changer. Autumn was in a state of newborn bliss -- and by that I mean that it was bliss for us, not so sure how she felt. She slept at least 21 hours a day, and hadn't yet figured out how much fun it can be to refuse to go back to sleep at 3am. Brian also had that week off of work, and he quickly earned a "best dad ever" badge by getting up for half of the feedings every night. We were on a 1-2 hour feeding schedule with formula for a few days due to her losing weight and getting jaundice.
Coming home from the hospital -- sleeping of course! |
Nana Gerre |
Grandpa Doug J -- Autumn's personal photographer |
Grandma & Grandpa Boyd |
Uncle El and Lady Friend Sara entertain the baby |
Autumn with Aunt Kellie |
Wally's not so sure about this |
Before I go, here's a quick list of, "What We've Learned About Autumn". I'm sure most of these things apply to many babies, but we only know her:
-- She grunts a lot. Like a gremlin, or sometimes like a dinosaur. In her sleep, while being changed, when she's happily awake. Pretty much all the time.
--When she sneezes, she'll usually let out two or three good ones, then she sucks in her breath like she's going for another one, and instead lets out the cutest little sigh you'll ever hear. We've tried to catch it on video but she evades us every time.--She has her dad's stomach and rips farts like a frat guy. That will never stop amazing us.
--Almost every time we take her diaper off she pees or poops everywhere.
--Her dad cares more about what she wears than her mom. Hey, I think tapered striped 80's pants are cool, especially when worn with socks that don't match. No?
--She's a strong little thing. Again, we don't have anything to compare her to, but the staff in the hospital and at her pediatrician's office all have commented on her brute strength multiple times.
--She's strong-willed. Sometimes she likes to be swaddled at night, sometimes she hates us for stifling her freedom. On those nights she can bust free of the tightest blanket swaddle, and has even gotten out of this professional straightjacket-type swaddle wrap. One morning I woke up to find her sucking on her hand, which was up through the neckhole of her PJ's. That means she had managed to take her arm out of her long-sleeved PJ's AND out of the tight swaddle wrap, then through the neckhole. Really?
--Despite the fact that she's a TON of work, and she doesn't do much besides eat, poop and sleep, we love her more than we thought we could!
Family Picture -- and dad's favorite 80's pants |
She's so beautiful, like takes your breath away beautiful. I really thought she was a c-section baby until you told me otherwise. Even her pre-bath is perfect! Love that one of her and Bri.
Aw thanks Kel. Can't wait to meet yours in a few months!
So many amazing pictures! I need to meet this little gremlin! :)
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