Today I got to spend the whole day with her because Mrs. Rachel can't work on Rosh Hashanah. Such a bummer for me. Anyway, we went to the mall to play in the new Looney Toons kids area. What a cluster that place is...and on a Friday? Autumn didn't mind a bit, that stuff is right up her alley. Anyway, I was looking through the pics I snapped on my phone when I came across this:
This was taken right after she unsuccessfully attempted to swan dive off of a tot-sized bridge. Apparently she doesn't mind crash landings either. But again, check out that mop on her head! Strangers and friends alike have been commenting on how much hair she has fairly often these days. I'm not really sure where she gets it -- I was bald until I was like five, and I'm pretty sure that five is about the same age Brian started to go bald (sorry Bri, but it's almost true). Even now, a pony tail of my hair is about the width of my pinky finger -- and that's now that it's started to regrow after losing so much of it postpartum!
And for a parting shot -- Aunt Sara snapped this pic on her phone on the way to watch the Broncos lose (again) last weekend.
Go Broncos?
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