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Beautiful weekend in Winter Park |
Weekend credits go to Gerre Jones for cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, entertaining the baby, and letting me borrow everything I forgot; to Doug Jones for providing plenty of drinks and humor via his old age and general Doug Jones-ness (really, who mistakes their daughter's Jeep Liberty for a Honda CRV, gets inside said CRV, and then thinks the guy who actually owns that car is a lunatic for asking him to please remove himself from that vehicle?); to Doug and Debbie Boyd for sitting our other child, Wally; and to Kellie and Dave for the discounted lift tickets, and waiting for me in all of my out-of-shape-and-haven't-skiied-in-so-long-I-feel-like-I'm-gonna-hurt-myself glory.
So, four months old, and growing every day it seems. We'll just go with a list this month, or otherwise another one will pass before this one gets recorded.
At four months old, Autum is:
--Rolling over both ways, though not as often as she was a couple weeks ago.

--Along the same lines, grabbing her pacifier out of her mouth and slowly putting it back in. Then repeating that for 5-10 minutes. She can't believe how coordinated she is, even though the pacifier usually ends up crooked with the hard plastic in her mouth.
--Reaching for things while playing on her tummy.

--Sitting up decently if we hold her thighs. She can also sit on her butt with her hands on the ground in front of her for less than a minute.
--Almost too big for her swing, but still enjoying a nap in it from time-to-time.

--Still sleeping in her pack-n-play next to our bed at night. We were going to start putting her in her crib this week but our baby monitor bit the dust. Now we're waiting to be sent a new one.
--Oh, and talking up a storm through the night. Really? She wakes up almost every hour, and coos to herself for 10-15 minutes. If I give her a paci she finds humor in loudly spitting it out. Did I mention we want to start putting her in her crib? I guess it's better than crying, but sleep is becoming a distant memory around here.
--At night, going to bed between 7:30-8:30 and waking up once to eat, usually between 2-3:30am. Then she's up for the day between 6-7am.
--Wearing size 1-2 and 2 diapers.
--In mostly size 3-6 month or 6 month clothes. Almost outgrowing the 6 month footed pj's. Yikes she's long. (we go to her four month appointment next week so we'll find out just how big she is then).
--Eating 5 ounces of milk at a time from a bottle (mainly at day care). Will probably be mixing with formula soon since I can't keep up with her anymore.
--Officially in love. Her long-awaited boyfriend Sam Davis made his appearance last Saturday. He is perfect. Congrats Heather and Jeremy!!
Oh, and for the record (and I swear I never intended this blog to have anything to do with her poo), Autumn had the blowout of a lifetime on our drive home. Brian and I had done everything we could possibly have done to ensure a quick, stop-less ride back to Denver yesterday. She was fed, changed, tired, and we had a bottle to feed her on the fly in case she got hungry again. I even sat in the backseat with her so I could make this happen if need be. Well, ten minutes into the drive she begins to grunt her telltale little grunts. Though I wanted to think she was just concentrating very intently on something, a few minutes later the smell hit me.
Me: "Brian, I think we might have to stop in Empire."
Brian: "No, I think it's a false alarm. You've cried wolf like four times this weekend."
Me: "Ummmm, if you can't smell this something is wrong with you."
Two minutes later, Autumn falls asleep.
Me: "Well, maybe we can hold off, I don't want to wake her up again. She needs to sleep."
30 seconds later. Autumn is still sound asleep.
Brian: "HOLY SHIT, what is that???"
Me: "Exactly that."
Brian: "I don't care if she's sleeping, that is terrible. I'm stopping at the next exit."
Thankfully the next exit was one we frequently stop at for bathroom breaks. Of course they would have a changing table.
Or not.
When I go to get Autumn out of her carseat, I notice she has already leaked out of the front of her diaper. So, I carry her as I might picture someone who has never seen or held a baby might handle one (arms straight out, baby as far from contact with me as possible). I run to the bathroom only to find that there really is no changing table in there. People open the doors for me as I run her back out, and to the cashier's counter, which happens to be right next to the Subway sandwich line (I'm sure those customers were thrilled). For some reason, the cashier informs me that there are some tables and a couch upstairs that I can change my poo-stained child on. Yes, some tables and a couch that it appears people take their lunch breaks on.
So to wrap this up, changing her was a two-man job that took Brian two trips to the car for more baby wipes, and of course a change of clothes. I still throw up in my mouth a little when I think about how extensive this mess was, but one day I'm sure we will look back fondly on this epic event.
Enjoy the pics! Thankfully my dad was here for her four-month photo shoot(s). We'll have to start flying him out every month. Otherwise our iPhones tend to be our main source for pictures these days. We'll get better at this, someday.
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Really, Dad? |
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Reading with Grandma |
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Wine please! |

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