A milestone...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

...caught on video! Autumn rolled over from back to tummy today, about five times! We caught the third trial on video, which is a total miracle in itself because we usually don't think about grabbing the Flip Video cam until about twenty minutes after Autumn starts doing something cool. By that time she's totally over it, and we get video footage of Brian cussing and/or calling himself an (F***ing) idiot. Seriously.

The nonchalance of it all (note paci in mouth) makes me wonder if she hasn't been doing this for Mrs. Rachel all week. I did ask her to lie to me about any milestones reached in my absence, so if this is the case, Mrs. Rachel has done well.

So, here we go. Three-and-a-half months old.

Now we'll work on sitting in the Bumbo seat. She's terrible at this, though she doesn't mind her own version of "sitting up". She'll sit like this as long as we let her. Whatever makes you happy, kid.


Holly said...

Oh my gosh that was so so so cute!!!!

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