Thankful for...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

1. A baby that adores her dad, and a dad who stays up with her every night to feed her a bottle while I catch an extra hour or two to sleep. 

2. Funny winter baby clothes, and the way Autumn reacts to being dressed in them (arms stiff, slightly concerned look on her face). It makes running errands in the cold, windy, snowy or otherwise adverse Colorado weather slightly more amusing.
3. Our 85-year-old (or so) next-door neighbor Hank, who still thinks my name is Ellen, and who never fails to notify us of all the important neighborhood happenings, such as upcoming street sweeping dates, the branch of his that is now hanging about two feet into our yard, or the robin's nest in the tree on our property. He also gives us a bag of giant pecans every year at Christmas. Oh Hank.
4. Autumn's personal shopper (Grandma Deb), babysitter (Grandpa Doug B and Grandma Deb), photographer (Grandpa Doug J), and seamstress (Nana Gerre). Thankful for Autumn's amazing grandparents who spoil her and us! Notice the difference between the photo above and the remaining pictures. Mine don't do her justice.
5. Beer. It's amazing how much I love beer since having Autumn. While I was pregnant, I couldn't wait to have a big glass of wine rather than the very occasional small glass with dinner that's ok'd during pregnancy.  As it turns out, there's nothing I crave more than beer these days. In case you're worried about how bad that sounds, don't be. The most I've had in one sitting is two so far -- but man I'm salivating just looking at this picture right now. And yes, we typically do have this many varieties in the fridge on any given day.

 6. Fantasy Football miracles. I'm Wally's World, in second place. Look at how many points I have, and how many points the sucker in 8th place has. I'm awesome. Oh, and Brian is in first place, but he actually deserves it.
 7. This guy. And his indifferent acceptance of our newest family member. 
8. This glider chair. Wow, it already looks beat up. As Brian says, "it's like sitting on clouds". Whatever that feels like. I'm pretty sure he wishes he had boobs so he can utilize this chair in the middle of the night too.
9. In-laws who believe that no Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a few dozen Jell-O shots. 

10. A healthy baby who seems to be happy about 95% of the time -- In our arms, in her swing, her bouncy chair, the bathtub, wherever. We definitely don't take that for granted. Also, it's so cliche, I know, but I really am thankful for the rest of my family, and friends. This journey wouldn't be complete without you.

Small Victory

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Does it count as "only getting up once in the middle of the night" if it means the day starts at 6:30am (on a Saturday no less)? I'm fully prepared for this statement to instantly jinx the next week or so, but for the past two days Autumn has only woken up at 2am and 6:30am. Yesterday I tried to humor myself by putting her back to bed at 7am, but if you are a loyal follower of this silly blog, then it shouldn't surprise you that putting a gremlin to bed when it's light out doesn't end with more sleep for anyone.  So this morning I gave myself a little pep talk that went something like this.

"Ok, no need to feel sorry for yourself for being up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning. You only had to get up once last night, and geez, you went to bed at like 8:30. Besides, the only reason you used to sleep in on Saturdays was because you actually had a life outside of your house. Remember that? Eating pizza on the couch and drinking (almost) two beers hardly warrants a true need to sleep through the morning news shows."

And with that, after feeding Autumn, I put her in her swing and made some coffee. Thankfully, she has recently fallen head-over-heels in love with her swing. We haven't figured out which part she likes so much -- whether it's the carnival ride effect of the swinging (seriously, that thing gets going!), the cute little lamb mobile that spins above her head, or, more likely, the mirror that she gets to check out her gorgeous reflection in. Really, it doesn't matter much, because whatever it is has been allowing us to put her in her swing without feeling guilty for boring our baby.

Super Swing saves the day!

Now to tackle the day. Watch out world, I'm no longer a "mom who is up all night with a baby". I might even have time to Swiffer the kitchen floor.

I Can't Put My Arms Down!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Winter is almost here! We couldn't resist putting Autumn in this snowsuit the other day, at the very first sight of a few flurries. I think she likes it!

Secretly, we hope she turns out at least half as cool as Ralphie from our favorite holiday movie. Please tell me you remember this:

Autumn's one month letter to mom and dad

Friday, November 12, 2010

Autumn turns one month old today! At her pediatrician appointment this morning we found out that she now weighs 9 pounds 9 ounces and is 22 inches long! That's the 89th percentile for height and 45th for weight. She's definitely growing! Anyway, would you believe that she chose to celebrate by writing us a letter all about her first month of life? Yeah, we didn't really believe it either, but she continues to amaze us every day!
No more Newborn clothes for me!

November 12, 2010
Dear Mom and Dad,
Now that I am one whole month old I feel like it's time for me to share some things with you guys about my first 31 days in your world.
First of all, what a wacky place your world is! On my birthday, I vowed to give this place a fair shot before judging your world too harshly. When I was born I did my best to take a good look around and soak everything in, but man those newborn eyes are worthless! Since my vocal chords were the only things things that seemed to function at the time, I had not choice but to use those more than anything else those first few days. Sorry if it freaked you out. 
Do you guys remember when we first drove home from the hospital and you let me move in to your home? Well I hope you remember the details, because all I really remember is waking up to a hairy monster sniffing my face -- you guys call it Wally. And there was another slightly less hairy monster who had a scary contraption that made clicking sounds and flashed light at me -- you guys call that monster Doug.
I want you guys to know that while I really do love both of you, I really really love staring at dad and listening to his voice. I can be in the deepest sleep of my tiny life, but when dad says something, anything, I can't help but throw my hands up in the air and try with my improving eyesight to spot him. He's a handsome guy mom, you know how to pick 'em!
Something else I love is that place you take me when my diaper is full. You lay me down on this soft little blanket, and I just want to start a dance party. I try to talk to you guys too, can you tell? I'm still not quite sure why I love this changing table of mine so much, but when I figure it out I'll get back to you. Oh, and I've been meaning to apologize to you guys about all of the recent diaper blowouts, but now that I'm almost ten pounds you guys clearly need to buy me bigger diapers. Apology retracted. What I do owe you an apology for, however, are the multiple times that I've gone #1 or #2 either right after you guys take off my diaper, or right after you put another one on. That's slightly embarrassing, but like I said, that changing table really gets me going.

Me (right) and my BFF Abigail (left). She talked me into trying out yoga.
Oh yeah, and I wanted to talk to mom about that Mom and Baby yoga class we went to the other day. What the hell was that? Don't get me wrong, I thought it was pretty cool. I got to lay on my back, make all the noises I wanted, and flail my limbs around for a whole hour! I even let out a few really good toots. The other babies thought that was pretty sweet. But what I really wanted to talk to you about was what a hot mess you were. I mean really, you guys did true yoga for maybe twelve minutes, and I have to say I was a little worried you weren't going to be able to carry me out to the car. Twelve minutes, mom? Let's hope the doctor clears you to start working out again soon. I'm not gonna be nine pounds forever you know.

This is what I wear to work with Dad.
A few other things I've really enjoyed about being a part of your world are the car rides, going to work with dad in his office, looking at things with my almost functional eyes, going for walks with the hairy monster (but can you please tell him not to paw at my head while I'm eating dinner?), bath time, and using my vocal chords on full volume when you guys sit down to eat. I also can't tell you how much I LOVE being a gremlin from 5am until you guys get up these days. And I know you guys love it too because mom has started bringing me into bed with her after about thirty minutes of this. I'll try to keep it up so I don't let her down.

Overall, Mom and Dad, I'd say you guys are doing a pretty good job. I am very happy to inform you that after my  month-long assessment of your world, I've decided I'm gonna stick around. I'll work on not vomiting on my clothes two seconds after you put them on me if you buy me some bigger diapers...and a pony. Deal?


Deal, little one. We love you!

Being a baby is hard work!

The first weeks of Autumn

Friday, November 5, 2010

The first weeks of autumn, and Autumn's first weeks, have been quite busy around here! So busy, in fact, that she's almost four weeks old now and I'm just now getting around to updating this. But here goes, better late than never...

Our little pumpkin elf

The first week home from the hospital was deceptionally easy. My parents were both here, which meant that we had a full-time support staff that included a cook, housecleaner, photographer, personal shopper and diaper changer. Autumn was in a state of newborn bliss -- and by that I mean that it was bliss for us, not so sure how she felt. She slept at least 21 hours a day, and hadn't yet figured out how much fun it can be to refuse to go back to sleep at 3am. Brian also had that week off of work, and he quickly earned a "best dad ever" badge by getting up for half of the feedings every night. We were on a 1-2 hour feeding schedule with formula for a few days due to her losing weight and getting jaundice.

Coming home from the hospital -- sleeping of course!
I can't remember too much about her second week, except that at her two-week appointment, Autumn's weight went up to 7 pounds 15 ounces! Our hungry hippo had gained 10 ounces in just a few days (she dropped to 7 pounds 2 ounces a few days after birth, and then was up to 7lb 5oz at around a week old). I think she started waking up a little bit more around this time as well, or at least long enough to start making some special faces for us to laugh at.
Nana Gerre
Grandpa Doug J -- Autumn's personal photographer

Grandma & Grandpa Boyd

Uncle El and Lady Friend Sara entertain the baby
When she was three weeks old, Uncle Eliot and Aunt Sara (well, we're hoping she'll be Aunt Sara soon. For now maybe we should call her Lady Friend Sara) came to visit. This visit didn't involve any beverages containing over 10 types of alchol or a night at the biggest beer festival in America, so it differed slightly from their last trip to Denver. Regardless, it was really great to see them, and Autumn can't wait for Uncle El and LF Sara to move to Denver some day!

So now it's been just the four of us for almost a week. The newborn bliss has worn off. If she had it her way, Autumn would be held all day long, and there'd be a baby party in our bedroom starting at 3am every night. For some reason, she hates going back to sleep after being fed at or around 3am. Sometimes she's up until she has to be fed again, around 6am...yuck! But, before anyone starts feeling too bad for me, once Brian gets up in the morning for work he takes her into his office with them while I sleep until 9 or so. Sorry other new moms, not trying to rub it in. I just suggest finding a husband who works from home. It's totally worth it.
Autumn with Aunt Kellie

Wally's not so sure about this

Before I go, here's a quick list of, "What We've Learned About Autumn". I'm sure most of these things apply to many babies, but we only know her:

-- She grunts a lot. Like a gremlin, or sometimes like a dinosaur. In her sleep, while being changed, when she's happily awake. Pretty much all the time.
--When she sneezes, she'll usually let out two or three good ones, then she sucks in her breath like she's going for another one, and instead lets out the cutest little sigh you'll ever hear. We've tried to catch it on video but she evades us every time.
--She has her dad's stomach and rips farts like a frat guy. That will never stop amazing us.
--Almost every time we take her diaper off she pees or poops everywhere.
--Her dad cares more about what she wears than her mom. Hey, I think tapered striped 80's pants are cool, especially when worn with socks that don't match. No?
--She's a strong little thing. Again, we don't have anything to compare her to, but the staff in the hospital and at her pediatrician's office all have commented on her brute strength multiple times.
--She's strong-willed. Sometimes she likes to be swaddled at night, sometimes she hates us for stifling her freedom. On those nights she can bust free of the tightest blanket swaddle, and has even gotten out of this professional straightjacket-type swaddle wrap. One morning I woke up to find her sucking on her hand, which was up through the neckhole of her PJ's. That means she had managed to take her arm out of her long-sleeved PJ's AND out of the tight swaddle wrap, then through the neckhole. Really?
--Despite the fact that she's a TON of work, and she doesn't do much besides eat, poop and sleep, we love her more than we thought we could!

Family Picture -- and dad's favorite 80's pants

Little Boyd is Here!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

 Brian, Wally and I welcomed out new addition, Autumn Alyssa Boyd, on October 12, 2010, at 4:56pm -- just in time for happy hour, right? She weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. Her name was one we had both liked from the beginning, but we didn't make the commitment until about an hour after her birth. I was still in a bit of a fog from 22 hours of labor and some drugs that were starting to wear off. So, in other words, I was in a very agreeable state when someone asked Brian if we had a name yet. He looked at me and asked, "Autumn?", to which I happily replied, "Sure!"

The actual labor and delivery experience was a lot less miserable and gruesome than either of us imagined. I chose to be induced due to my own impulsivity and impatience. In similar fashion to agreeing to her name, I happily replied "Sure!" when my doctor offered to get this baby out whenever we wanted (after 39 weeks).  We went in at 7pm on the 11th, got started on some drugs, watched some football, waited for magic toi happen, watched a movie or two, tried to sleep, waited some more...and then it was morning. Things were progressing somewhat, and continued to throughout the day. Around noon my prince charming entered the room, in the form of a handsome young African American man wielding an epidural kit. He changed my life in the span of 30 minutes, and I made sure to let him know. To be fair, however, Brian was quite a lifesaver as well -- he just didn't have the power of anesthesia on his side.

When it (finally) came time to push the little bugger out, I was feeling really good. Brian and I had some fun conversations with the nurse and my doctor, and at some point another doctor barged in to commentate on the "race" that I was in with his patient next door. I didn't realize this, but apparently this was a pretty intense race that had been taking place since 8am. I won, she didn't stand a chance.

Uncle Dave brought cigars!
Autumn's pre-bath portrait

Within about 45 minutes, Autumn had made her entrance. To our surprise she had a full head of hair! It was love at first sight, despite her being pretty gross and slimy until getting her bath. What an amazing moment to finally meet the little person I'd been sharing my body with for the past nine months. I'm pretty sure she was worth it :)